If you are a cat owner, listen attentively. There are top three things that cat owners like you should never do: 1. Allow your Cat to Roam AroundThis advice is the most controversial one on the list. In the US,...
Petree Litter Box Blog
8 Best Self Cleaning Cat Litter Boxes (Update 2022)
Looking for the low prices and Best Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box on the market? Check out our latest buying guide and review for all types of cats. What’s the least thing you like about owning a cat? If you said “cleaning the...
How to Tell Your Cat’s Litter Box Isn’t Clean Enough
It Smells If you can smell your cat’s litter box, it’s not clean enough. I’m not talking about smelling whatever piney or powdery scent accompanies the cat litter itself. I’m talking about your cat’s waste. I know, it’s no one’s...
How Often Should Cats Poop?
How Often Should Cats Poop?Once a day is the general guideline for how often an adult cat poops, but up to three times a day is still considered normal. If your cat is pooping less than once every 24 hours...